01313nlm0 22002051i 450 001001200000006001900012007001500031008004100046020001800087040000800105100006400113245017000177260001200347260003000359300001100389520043800400856009300838856009600931856008001027HARMA 73225m g0 d cr mn ---auama250301c go d fre  a9782140262500 bfre0 aSokhna A Rosalie Ndiaye - Foreword by Professor Omar Gueye. aBeyond the Sankoré university - Lessons from Pre-colonial higher-education in Sub-Saharan AfricabLessons from Pre-colonial higher-education in Sub-Saharan Africa -  aParis : bEditions L'Harmattan a134 p. aThis work completes a trilogy on Higher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa, where are examined the different phases of its development in the Pre-colonial, colonial, and post-Independence periods. It is an attempt to understand the dynamics that explain the successes or failures in the different periods considered, to draw lessons and provide a basis to rethink the current archetype of higher education systems in sub-Saharan Africa.40uhttps://www.editions-harmattan.fr/catalogue/couv/9782140262500r.jpg2Image de couverture40uhttps://www.harmatheque.com/downloadebook/97821402625002Télécharger le livre au format PDF40uhttps://www.harmatheque.com/readebook/97821402625002Lire ce livre en ligne