01988nlm0 22002051i 450 001001200000006001900012007001500031008004100046020001800087040000800105100002100113245017100134260001200305260003000317300001100347520115500358856009301513856009601606856008001702HARMA 78876m g0 d cr mn ---auama250226c go d fre  a9782336409429 bfre0 aBirte Wassenberg aBorders and Border Spaces in the EU Volume 1 - European Border Management from a Comparative PerspectivebEuropean Border Management from a Comparative Perspective -  aParis : bEditions L'Harmattan a204 p. aHow to manage borders in European border regions before and after the COVID-19 pandemic? This Cahier Fare n°24 presents the results of the Jean Monnet Network “<em>Frontières en mouvement: quels modèles pour l’UE</em> (FRONTEM)?”, which was supported by the EU’s Erasmus+ program for the period between 2019-2023.  The network exchanged knowledge and practices on five different models of EU border management: the border between France and Germany, the border between France and Belgium, the border between Ireland and Northern Ireland, the border between Rumania and Hungary and the border between Denmark and Germany. By analysing the results of research seminars and focus groups organised in each of the 5 border regions concerned, it critically examines best practice management models of cross-border integration, of minority management and of peace facilitation. The key question addressed by the network was to assess the role of the border in the process of European integration when faced with processes of re-bordering and the re-questioning of the model of a “Europe without borders”.40uhttps://www.editions-harmattan.fr/catalogue/couv/9782336409429r.jpg2Image de couverture40uhttps://www.harmatheque.com/downloadebook/97823364094292Télécharger le livre au format PDF40uhttps://www.harmatheque.com/readebook/97823364094292Lire ce livre en ligne