01918nlm0 22002171i 450 001001200000006001900012007001500031008004100046020001800087040000800105100003700113245013400150260001200284260003000296300001100326520099800337856009301335856009601428856009601524856008001620HARMA 76475m g0 d cr mn ---auama250226c go d fre  a9782140325182 bfre0 aIsabelle Henry, Alain Rutherford aDumouriez - General of the French Revolution (1739-1823) - BiographybGeneral of the French Revolution (1739-1823) - Biography -  aParis : bEditions L'Harmattan a478 p. aCharles François du Perrier, otherwise known as Dumouriez, was born at Cambrai at the peak of Louis XV's reign. A penniless but highborn French gentryman, he engaged while still in his prime in the dreadful Seven Years' War from which he returned badly wounded. As the new Revolution began to take a hold Dumouriez ingratiated himself into the royal close circle until the king appointed him as his Minister for Foreign Affairs, but his astute counsel failed to protect Louis from his eventual downfall. A period of warring on France's national frontiers resulted in Dumouriez taking full command of the North' and the full glory of the great victories of the dual battles of Valmy and Jemmappes. However the suspicious of the Jacobins by now in power in Paris were aroused and incited them to have him arrested and face the guillotine. He succeeded in evading their clutches by abandoning army and country, preferring exile elswhere in Europe and in England where he died.40uhttps://www.editions-harmattan.fr/catalogue/couv/9782140325182r.jpg2Image de couverture40uhttps://www.harmatheque.com/downloadebook/97821403251822Télécharger le livre au format PDF40uhttps://www.harmatheque.com/downloadepub/97821403251822Télécharger le livre au format epub40uhttps://www.harmatheque.com/readebook/97821403251822Lire ce livre en ligne