01185nlm0 22002051i 450 001001200000006001900012007001500031008004100046020001800087040000800105100002800113245006100141260001200202260003000214300001100244520045500255856009300710856009600803856008000899HARMA 79562m g0 d cr mn ---auama250225c go d fre  a9782336447353 bfre0 aFrancisco Galindo Vélez aEl Salvador: From the paradox of peace to social warfare aParis : bEditions L'Harmattan a412 p. aThe Peace Agreements of 1992 brought an end to the armed conflict in El Salvador and transformed the country’s political life, but they also left the way open for social violence to flourish. This book, originally the author’s PhD thesis, explores the military, political and social dynamics involved in producing this paradox of peace, and identifies what must still be done for El Salvador to achieve a peaceful society in all respects.40uhttps://www.editions-harmattan.fr/catalogue/couv/9782336447353r.jpg2Image de couverture40uhttps://www.harmatheque.com/downloadebook/97823364473532Télécharger le livre au format PDF40uhttps://www.harmatheque.com/readebook/97823364473532Lire ce livre en ligne