ISBN : 9782336009285
Fongeu Jeremiah Foletia Hatcheu Emil Tchawé
INTRODUCTION An important feature of the current urban trend in Bamenda City (Northwest Cameroon) is the fact that the nature and extent of urban growth depend on the global economy today than ever before. The number of urban dwellers is largely on increase estimated at 500, 000 inhabitants with an equivalent trend of urban sprawl. The causes of the Bamenda urban growth amongst others may be summarised under the demographic, economic and political or administrative reasons. The growth of the city couple with the absence of legal and institutional development plans and governance have seen a mark growth of it urban space with the passing of times. The growth of the urban population and urban sprawl is not associated with basic urban facilities. The study of the urban growth and extension, problems of governance in Bamenda states as problematic the introduction of different urban policies as a cause for diverse effects on it growth. Our research hypothesis considered that the problems of urban governance and management are a result of the rapid population. Considering this...