ISBN : 9782343192031

EAN PDF : 9782140142147

EAN ePUB : 9782336892894

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Collection : Harmattan Sénégal

Nombre de pages : 362

Date : 2- 2020

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Across disciplinary boundaries - Publications of the ITECOM Academy

Publications of the ITECOM Academy

Mamadou Kandji - Edited by

The present volume of Publications of the ITECOM Academy accords with the editorial policy which presided over the preceding ones. All the papers proposed to our readers cover a wide range of issues on literature, linguistics, politics, economics, management of public and private policies, and more globally sociocultural dynamics. Like the previous volumes, it preserves the bilingual policy of the journal.

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