ISBN : 9782140255304
EAN PDF : 9782140255311
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Collection : Harmattan Sénégal
Nombre de pages : 224
Date : 4- 2022
African Unity - Between ambition and will power - The insight of an African Ambassador at post in Addis Ababa
Between ambition and will power
Baye Moctar Diop - Preface by His Excellency Mr Macky Sall, President of the Republic of Senegal. Translated by Mohamed Mustoof.
Ambassador of Senegal in Brussels, after five (5) years in the same functions in Ethiopia and to the African Union, it is from Brussels that the author casts a detached look on the march of the African Continent towards political unity. In this document, he seizes the opportunity of the execution of the AU Institutional Reform project, launched with enthusiasm in 2017, to revisit all the previous Reform programmes, by considering the reasons for their successes and their failures in the winding path of building African Unity. Between ideal and ambition, the achievement of the latter still comes up against several pitfalls that the Union strives to gradually overcome by putting forward new programmes, or by adapting existing ones. The author seizes this opportunity to invite readers on an odyssey into the glorious history of Africa.