ISBN : 9791030205183

EAN PDF : 9791030205190

EAN ePUB : 9791030205206

Éditeur : Fauves editions

Nombre de pages : 230

Date : 7- 2024

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Gender dysphoria - Hormones, surgery, transformations… Risks and pitfalls of gender transition in children and teenagers

Hormones, surgery, transformations… Risks and pitfalls of gender transition in children and teenagers

Nicole Delépine, Gérard Delépine

While gender transition has always existed among adults, the emergence of gender dysphoria in children and adolescents calls for the utmost vigilance. How is it acceptable for minors not yet mature enough to vote or have sexual relations to consent to treatments that will suppress their fertility and irreversibly alter their body ? What are the medical consequences of hormones, or the psychological and psychiatric consequences ? Why are treatments and surgery fully funded when gender dysphoria is no longer classified by the WHO as a disorder ? Why is detransition still a taboo subject ? How has transgenderism entered the political debate ? All these questions and answers shed light on the risks and pitfalls of gender transition in minors.

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