ISBN : 9782343182964

EAN PDF : 9782140136900

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Nombre de pages : 800

Date : 12- 2019

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Joint artillery dictionnary - Shells, bombs, rockets - Book 1 English/French

Shells, bombs, rockets

Jean-Claude Laloire - Foreword by General François Lecointre

This bilingual dictionary is the first book of a series of three books dealing with artillery and its environment, both within a joint environment, and within the environment of a specific Service. It includes the various aspects of conventional artillery, guns, howitzers, and rockets in a land environment, guns in a naval environment, and bombs in an air environment. As regards artillery, this terminology includes what is useful to operate within a national framework and within an international framework (coalitions, NATO) within an everincreasing global environment. This dictionary includes more than 10,000 words and phrases in English and in French. It also includes about 4,900 English acronyms and 1,000 French ones.

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