ISBN : 9782343118130

EAN PDF : 9782140033971

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Nombre de pages : 248

Date : 4- 2017

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Moroccan neo-constitutionalism - Meeting the challenge of the Arab Spring

Meeting the challenge of the Arab Spring

Abdelhak Azzouzi, André Cabanis

Elaborated in a comparative perspective, the publication allows to understand the exceptionalism of the Moroccan political system based on a two fold approach rooted in both political science and law. The first part of the book delves into the study of the Arab Spring celebrated by some and feared by others. In any case, the Arab Spring generated a radical questioning of the formerinstitutional equilibria. The second part comprises a description of Morocco's Constitution, which is presented as a response to the contemporary political challenges. Limpid and objective, combining legal and political analysis, in addition to geopolitical prospective, this unique work could only be written by two internationally renowned men, Professors Abdelhak Azzouzi and André Cabanis.

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