ISBN : 2747596125

EAN PDF : 9782296420908

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Nombre de pages : 272

Date : 1- 2006

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Regional Cooperation Perspectives - Unimed-Forum Network

Raphael Bar-El - Sous la direction de Gilbert Benh

The objectives of the Network Unimed-Forum are : to develop co-operation between students and researchers of the universities of the Mediterranean area ; publication of researches ; the creation of a network of universities of Unimed-Forum ; to make known the work of the regional organizations (Regional Council, General Council...) to the potential decision makers of the Mediterranean. The seminars are organized every year in order to help to reinforce the image of PACA Region and the Universities and the links between the students of PACA and all the Unversities of the mediterranean participating in the research programs integrated within its several universities.

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