ISBN : 9782343248592
EAN PDF : 9782140198199
EAN ePUB : 9782336948935
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Collection : Harmattan Cameroun
Nombre de pages : 162
Date : 12- 2021
The verb in Akoose - Descriptive and theoretical perspectives
Descriptive and theoretical perspectives
Michael Etuge Apuge - Prefaced by Edmond Biloa
The Verb in Akoose: descriptive and theoretical perspectives discusses an aspect of grammar, namely the verb, in a narrow-Bantu language spoken in Cameroon. The book combines descriptive and theoretical perspectives, but it intends primarily to serve a theoretical purpose. The analysis illustrates how morphology interacts with syntax to trigger the movement of syntactic units (object shift and verb raising) in Akoose within the ambits of the Minimalist Program.