ISBN : 9782343173450

EAN PDF : 9782140129599

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Collection : Harmattan Sénégal

Nombre de pages : 226

Date : 9- 2019

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Uniting nations a theory of global democracy

Giovanni Pampanini

This book introduces a Theory of Global Democracy as a tool to implement the capacity to study today's International Relations through new lenses, different from those of the main theories of this field, that are Neo-realism, Liberalism, "English School", and Centre/Periphery. The principal concern of this new Theory is the difference albeit the opposition between the national dimension and the international dimension of democracy. Based on a philosophical research about the theories of democracy, the book investigates, through an analysis of historical and current events, what is wrong, but implicit, in the national theories of democracy.

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