ISBN : 9782296991248

EAN PDF : 9782296495739

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Nombre de pages : 518

Date : 6- 2012

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Commercial and military logistics dictionary (Book 2) - Supplies, Storage, Transport/Transportation, Recovery, Maintenance, Repairs, Support - English / French

Jean-Claude Laloire - Forewords by Daniel Tixier a

This logistics dictionary is a book that includes all logistics aspects, both in the commercial and the military fields: Supplies, storage, transport/transportatin, recovery, Maintenance, Repairs, support (food, clothing and Pay). This dictionary aims to civilian and military people, as both of them are very deeply concerned with the implementation of assets that enables experts to be fully operational, whatever the prevailing conditions are.

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