ISBN : 9782343081502
EAN PDF : 9782336400068
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Nombre de pages : 296
Date : 1- 2016
Dangerous games, violence and bullying in a school setting and extracurricular environment - Knowing, Understanding, Preventing
Knowing, Understanding, Preventing
Editorial direction : Françoise Cochet - Translated by Godefroy Dronsart - Conferences by international partners transcribed by Fabienne Tosi
These are the collected papers of the second international symposium of the APEAS : texts heard in conferences and discussions with the audience. The event gathered doctors, paediatricians, psychiatrists, psychologists, anthropologists as well as magistrates, policemen, researchers and prevention professionals to discuss the different problems surrounding dangerous games and school bullying. They identify in particular the change in how these games are played and the impact of social network. To inform, educate and prevent are the goals of such an international meeting.