ISBN : 9782343165783

EAN PDF : 9782140116070

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Nombre de pages : 176

Date : 3- 2019

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Egypt in the Time of Moses - The Invasion of Foreign Nomads : Keftiu, Hebrews, Philistines, etc - The Exodus - The Egyptian Pharaohs Back on the Stage

The Invasion of Foreign Nomads : Keftiu, Hebrews, Philistines, etc

Claude Vandersleyen

It is a question of enlightening the mystery of the Keftiou people mentioned in the Egyptian texts. The history of this people is parallel to that of the Hebrews, Philistines and other nomads. Sources are therefore double: Bible narratives (the Exodus) and Egyptian historical documents. Fragments of Egyptian historian Manethon and rare cuneiform language information (Mari and Ougarit) must be included. Between these sources is the history of the patriarchs since Abraham and the entry of the Hebrew people into Egypt.

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