ISBN : 9782343232416

EAN PDF : 9782140180118

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Collection : Harmattan Sénégal

Nombre de pages : 202

Date : 5- 2021

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

From Humboldt to Wade and beyond - The philosophy of higher education in Senegal

The philosophy of higher education in Senegal

Sokhna A. Rosalie Ndiaye - Foreword by Professor Ndeye Coumba Touré Kane

The book presents an analysis of the evolution of higher education in Senegal through the lens of the philosophies and ideas from which originate the different policies and interventions catalogued through time. From the University of Wilhelm von Humboldt to the University of Abdoulaye Wade, the higher education of Senegal has gone through phases of deep mutation.

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