ISBN : 9782343137599
EAN PDF : 9782140091513
EAN ePUB : 9782336842547
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Nombre de pages : 250
Date : 5- 2018
Human rights in a multilevel constitutional area - Global, European and Hungarian Challenges
Global, European and Hungarian Challenges
Nóra Chronowski
No constitutional question is worthwhile to discuss through the prism of solely the national legal system. Our understanding of backsliding and perils challenging liberal constitutionalism should move ahead. For that purpose, the multilevel approach of this book provides thorough analysis on certain current global, European and Hungarian issues in the field of human rights protection. Business and human rights at the global stage, common fundamental rights standards and their enforcement in the European legal space, and the rule by law constitutionalism of Hungary.