ISBN : 9782343182223

EAN PDF : 9782140129674

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Collection : Études africaines

Nombre de pages : 208

Date : 9- 2019

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

If Thomas Sankara were alive - The Righteousness of an African Revolution

The Righteousness of an African Revolution

Barwendé Médard S.J. Sane

Thirty-two years after his assassination, Thomas Sankara's name remains appealing throughout Africa and beyond. The revolutionary leader's legacy consists of a call to unity, selfconfidence and good governance. To the world's leaders, Sankara's concern for the less advantaged might serve as a reminder that sacrifi ce to humanity is a yardstick for assessing good leadership. Looking back at Sankara's dynamic and visionary presidency, might his revolutionary spirit be relevant to Burkina Faso and to the African continent today as it was then ?

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