ISBN : 2296008666
EAN PDF : 9782296150256
EAN ePUB : 9782336274218
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Collection : Cultures et Conflits
Nombre de pages : 204
Date : 6- 2006
Illiberal practices of liberal regimes: the (in)security games
In the name of protection and nationl security, we witness the development of both a transnational field of professionals of politics and of professionals of security (police, intelligence, military). This development might provide a feeling of safety, but il also induces illiberal practices that lead to resistance from judges, human rights groups and part of the public. Drawing on research from several European countries, this volume brings together essays on the way counterterrorism is embedded into the very logic of the fields of politics and of security, both in their internal and international dimension.