ISBN : 9782343109299

EAN PDF : 9782140025495

EAN ePUB : 9782336777856

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Collection : Conception et dynamique des organisations

Nombre de pages : 204

Date : 1- 2017

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Knowledge Transfer in Multinational Companies - Sharing Multiple Perspectives

Sharing Multiple Perspectives

Published under the direction of Lamia Ben Hamida and Christophe Lejeune

Multinational Companies (MNCs) increasingly play an important role in transferring knowledge worldwide. For MNCs, the topic of knowledge transfer has been studied in different ways. While economists have mainly studied the effects of knowledge transfer on firms' performance, management scholars have rather shed light on the processes of transferring knowledge as well as more strategic aspects for MNCs. The objective of this book is to create bridges between economic sciences and management sciences, by highlighting the contributions and methodologies related to each of these disciplines.

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