ISBN : 9782343059181
EAN PDF : 9782336375748
EAN ePUB : 9782336725857
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Collection : Management Lean
Nombre de pages : 118
Date : 4- 2015
Little Lean Guide for the Use of Managers
Cécile ROCHE - Foreword by Jacques Chaize
In a world of permanent crisis, where change is the norm, Lean becomes fashionable. Yet, companies who have chosen to fundamentally transform it self, following the Lean principles and investing first on women and men, have, globally, and in the long term, the best economic results. This book, with simple concepts and illustrated with many examples, analyzes the main misconceptions about Lean, taking each time the views of managers and operational concerned. (Version anglaise de Petit guide Lean à l'usage des managers).