ISBN : 9782336307411

EAN PDF : 9782140013393

Éditeur : Harmattan Italia

Collection : Harmattan Italia

Nombre de pages : 224

Date : 7- 2016

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Muntuism - An idea of person in contemporary african philosophy

An idea of person in contemporary african philosophy

Ezio Lorenzo Bono - Translation from italian: Damas Calisto Calege

The African culture is essentially “personalistic” and rests upon three pillars: the Person, the Community and God. In this essay, which is dedicated to the trends of contemporary philosophy in Africa, such notions are summed up in the concept of “Muntuism”, a term which was coined by the author from the word Muntu, which in the languages of Bantu origin means “person”. (Ouvrage intégralement en anglais - Une analyse de la philosophie africaine contemporaine à partir de la notion autochtone de « Muntuism », que l'auteur définit en fonction de trois paramètres : la personne, la communauté et Dieu).

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