ISBN : 9782140252273
EAN PDF : 9782140252280
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Collection : Harmattan Sénégal
Nombre de pages : 188
Date : 4- 2022
Offshore states and petro-terrorism - Geopolitical Implications of Oil and Gas Discoveries and Security Challenges inf the Gulf of Guinea
Geopolitical Implications of Oil and Gas Discoveries and Security Challenges inf the Gulf of Guinea
Amadou Tidiane Cissé
Oil and gas discoveries have served as a foundation for economic prosperity in many countries around the world. Yet the catastrophes experienced by some countries - especially in Africa south of the Sahara - despite the discovery of vast natural hydrocarbon deposits should not be ignored. The development of new oil and gas fields has placed the Gulf of Guinea at the centre of a nexus of greed on the part of foreign powers, Big Oil corporations and criminal groups. The Gulf of Guinea has become a theatre where rivalries to play out between developed countries seeking to control the energy resources of the region, which holds a quarter of Africa's gas resources. It is also the new global epicentre of piracy and maritime criminality, ahead of the Gulf of Aden.