ISBN : 9782336459226
EAN PDF : 9782336459233
EAN ePUB : 9782336459240
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Collection : Points de vue
Nombre de pages : 226
Date : 5- 2024
Portrait of the new being - Reflection on Man in the Djiboutian context
Reflection on Man in the Djiboutian context
Abdourahman Barkat God, Farah Abdillahi Miguil
Serious philosophy requires reflection based on a specific place and time. Such is the case in this book. From Djibouti - an independent country since 1977 after more than a century of colonisation - the author rightly questions the human condition. Carried by the traditional cultural mould but turning it to his own advantage, caught up in new habits (such as the spread of khat consumption), using religion without discernment, allowing himself to be manipulated by a socio-political framework that perpetuates his weaknesses: what is man worth? What awareness does he have of himself and of others? What does he do and what does he want?