ISBN : 9782343242972

EAN PDF : 9782140190490

EAN ePUB : 9782336941233

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Collection : Logiques sociales

Nombre de pages : 194

Date : 9- 2021

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Psychiatry, mental health and a shared professional culture - An european tutor training programme

An european tutor training programme

Laurence Fond-Harmant, Jocelyn Deloyer, Marie-Clotilde Lebas - Foreword by Jean-Marc Bonmati

In the European context of vocational crisis in the psychiatric and mental health professions, structural changes are taking place, with direct consequences on training and professional practices in care and psychosocial support, both within and outside psychiatric hospitals. How do you develop a European mentoring programme in the mental health sector, based on a refl ective pedagogy to build a shared culture? How did the partners, professionals, teachers and researchers get involved? How did they navigate diff erent organisational structures across Europe and varied trajectories? Based on the concrete and innovative example of the TuTo+ programme, this book takes a cross-disciplinary look at these issues.

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