ISBN : 9782343107196
EAN PDF : 9782140025228
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Nombre de pages : 180
Date : 12- 2016
Quest of the Arctic
Ellen Wasylina
This seventh issue of the Geostrategic Maritime Review comes on the sixth year of activity of the International Geostrategic Maritime Observatory. This publication contains five articles : Arctic Geopolitics as a Major Public Issue : the Reasons Behind a Lack of Awareness ; Harvesting Arctic Authority : The Protection of Arctic Biomarine Resources, Sovereignty and Global Security ; The Case for an International Régime for the Arctic ; 25 years ago : the Odyssey of the Astrolabe and A life in the service of France, of the Pacific, and the Arctic and Antarctica : Michel Rocard (1930-2016), Regions.