ISBN : 9782343117720

EAN PDF : 9782140033544

EAN ePUB : 9782336785905

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Collection : Biologie, écologie, agronomie

Nombre de pages : 226

Date : 4- 2017

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Reflections on a sustainable society - Humanity in the mirror

Humanity in the mirror

Isabelle Richaud

We are on the verge of a true crisis of civilisation : ecological disruption, chronic insatisfaction of the basic needs of a large part of humanity and degrading physical and mental health in industrialised countries. We must address the crisis's main cause : the pursuit of a development approach focused on economic growth and based on intensive, inefficient use of natural resources. This book is a call for humanity to look itself in the mirror, question its identity as a species and re-examine its place in this world.

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