ISBN : 9782343179742
EAN PDF : 9782140128547
EAN ePUB : 9782336879291
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Nombre de pages : 250
Date : 8- 2019
Sir Thomas Browne - The Modernity of a Seventeeth-Century English Thinker
The Modernity of a Seventeeth-Century English Thinker
El Hadji Cheikh Kandji
This essay sheds light on a relatively neglected 17th-century English thinker, Sir Thomas Browne; and rereads his works with modern lenses. It highlights his insightful contribution to modern thought. Browne is a man of the modern age. His legacy to modern thought clearly appears through his works. He raises the issue of the relationship between science and religion, and posits archeology and anthropology as disciplines that help better understand past, present, and future societies.