ISBN : 9782343068435

EAN PDF : 9782336387178

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Collection : Droits, Sociétés, Politiques "Afrique des Grands Lacs"

Nombre de pages : 142

Date : 7- 2015

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Tax law and public finance in Rwanda

Pie Habimana - Préface de Jean-François Boudet - Postface de Jean-Baptiste Twahirwa

Tax law and public finance in Rwanda presents the state of play of public finances and tax laws in Rwanda. It sumarises the regulation of public ressources and public expednitures before presenting an overview of tax regulation in Rwanda, as one of the major source of income for the States worldwide. This book therefore provides the basic information relating to law governing the two connected domains of law in Rwanda.

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