ISBN : 9782343179377

EAN PDF : 9782140147722

EAN ePUB : 9782336898476

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Collection : Harmattan Cameroun

Nombre de pages : 202

Date : 4- 2020

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

The Architects of Cameroon's Reunification - A historical analysis

A historical analysis

Muhammadou Amadou Jabiru - Foreword by Michael M. Ndobegang

Reunification is a historical fact that carries with it individual narratives and corporate establishment, intrigues inherent in every nation building experiment especially in Africa. This study examines the role played by some of the major actors of the Reunification of Cameroon. Were they just actors or architects? The reader will discover the reasons why we refer to them as "architects" of Cameroon's Reunification.

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