ISBN : 9782343253633

EAN PDF : 9782140200922

EAN ePUB : 9782336951669

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Nombre de pages : 198

Date : 1- 2022

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

The Congo Basin - World without it, world without life

World without it, world without life

This book is dedicated to the Congo Basin. It has the particularity of imagining the portrait of a universe devoid of the world's second largest lung after the Amazon, made up of forests, water, peat bogs, large carbon reserves and a rich biodiversity. However, these treasures are threatened by, on the one hand, the mer cantile interests of mafia networks eager to enrich themselves and, on the other hand, by the mismanagement of institutions and powers, which cause areas of uncertainty that are beyond the control of the indigenous endogenous powers. It is by observing these abuses that Michel Innocent Peya sounds the alarm on the risk of global climate genocide if the Congo Basin were to degrade or disappear.

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