ISBN : 9782296074026
EAN PDF : 9782296215733
EAN ePUB : 9782336258416
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Nombre de pages : 264
Date : 1- 2009
The future of Mining Industry in Guinea
Ibrahima Soumah - Preface of leonard Jacob Junior
Guinea was identified as a mining country long time ago since quantity of gold coming from the Bouré region, near Siguiri, constituted the power and reputation of medieval Mandingue empire. For the Guinean people and those observing them, the real scandal is having so much resources and remaining among the poorest countries in the world with the HDI classification ranking Guinea to the 160 th place out of 175 countries, while its income per capita is below $500/year. This book provides information on the potential and the evolution of the Guinean mining sector.