ISBN : 9782343164588
EAN PDF : 9782140111495
EAN ePUB : 9782336862279
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Nombre de pages : 138
Date : 1- 2019
The journey that's Ours
Gary Hirson - Illustrated by Elise Wessels
An adventure-story about self-discovery, The Journey that's Ours introduces young readers to their unique individuality and promotes growth in self-confidence. In such a fast changing environment with exposure to so much more, tools such as mind-mapping, conflict resolution, and how the law of attraction really works, are needed to help us keep up while staying true to ourselves. Continuing with their adventures, teenage siblings Joel and Jina once again meet Magic who guides them through the fun and testing elements of their everyday lives. Jina falls in love and gets hurt, while Joel has to deal with the pains of standing up both on his surfboard and as a young man.