ISBN : 9782343021089

EAN PDF : 9782336331676

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Collection : Harmattan Cameroun

Nombre de pages : 218

Date : 12- 2013

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

The leader : five leader types - The Personality Approach Leader (PAL) Classification

The Personality Approach Leader (PAL) Classification

Daniel Shu - Foreword by Barry Whatley

This book is not about leadership but about leaders. It is not so much about the process as about the individual. While leadership is a process, the leader is a person and this book is about the person of a leader, his talents, skills, traits, perceptions, character, person and personality; in brief his strenghts and weakness. It shows him where he is from, what he is like and how he can improve on his person and performance.

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