ISBN : 9782343164595
EAN PDF : 9782140111488
EAN ePUB : 9782336862262
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Nombre de pages : 78
Date : 1- 2019
The power that's Ours
Gary Hirson - Illustrated by Carmen Ziervogel
The Power that's Ours is an interactive book with eleven "Fun Time'' activities. The book can be read as a story or used as an introductory guide to goal-setting, visualisation, and affirmation. Just as Joel and Jina are taught about setting and achieving their goals - with the emphasis on having fun - the reader is also guided through the process while enjoying the siblings' adventures. The Power that's Ours is a follow up to The Magic that's Ours which introduced children to the wonders of their imaginations.