ISBN : 9782343250656

EAN PDF : 9782140198465

EAN ePUB : 9782336949208

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Nombre de pages : 130

Date : 12- 2021

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

The Safeguard of the Earth - Chronicles of an Invitation to Life - Volume 9

Chronicles of an Invitation to Life

Yvonne Trubert

The Safeguard of the Earth is the ninth volume of interviews given by Yvonne Trubert to the Book of Invitation to Life, the journal of the eponymous association.
While the previous books provided themes for teaching and reflection, volume 9 takes up the story of Invitation to Life by recounting the journeys, the pilgrimages led by Yvonne Trubert to the four corners of the planet, to France, Mexico, Colombia, Brazil, the Holy Land and Egypt, among other distant horizons.

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