ISBN : 9782343079967

EAN PDF : 9782336398006

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Collection : Harmattan Cameroun

Nombre de pages : 172

Date : 12- 2015

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

The silent speaker - Women and the moon

Women and the moon

Bernard Kelaka

This book is about the moon its special relationship with every woman, everywhere on planet Earth. It also discusses the meaning, the implication, the consequences as well as the process, the genesis, the progress and the end of the menstrual cycles women experiences every month, every moon. This book relates the opinions of medical experts (gynecologists and obstetricians). unfortunately, the challenges of their profession are largely ignored by astrologers and philosophers who have very little to do with women's biological affairs and intimate medical care.

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