ISBN : 9782343099750
EAN PDF : 9782140028076
EAN ePUB : 9782336780436
Éditeur : Harmattan Hongrie
Collection : Harmattan Hongrie
Nombre de pages : 332
Date : 1- 2017
This is just to say - A Collection of Creative Student-Responses
A Collection of Creative Student-Responses
Eniko Sepsi - Collectif
Students majoring in English get acquainted with Williams' text in the course "introduction to Literary Studies". Some frequently asked questions are : "What makes it a poem ?" "Wouldn't anybody be able to write such a text ?" Some students indeed get personally involved. They respond to litterature, either in verse, or in prose, sometimes through rewriting texts and sometimes in the traditional way, through literary analysis and research. This book testifies to the fact that they indeed have something to say.