ISBN : 9782140277757

EAN PDF : 9782140277764

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Nombre de pages : 106

Date : 11- 2022

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Thus speaks Patrice Talon - President of the Republic of Benin 2016-2021

President of the Republic of Benin 2016-2021

Wilfried Léandre Houngbedji

This collection is a concentrate of sentences having a certainconsonance, a certain weight for the people of Benin, for one abroador quite simply for the observer.These are strong sentences sounded out by the President ofthe Republic of Benin, Patrice TALON, on various occasionsduring his first term as the Head of the State (2016-2021).They are gathered here, sourced and dated, to allow the readerto find them easily but also to provide to ideas developed inthem opportunity to travel far.

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