ISBN : 9782343143521
EAN PDF : 9782140084577
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Collection : Harmattan Cameroun
Nombre de pages : 154
Date : 3- 2018
Transhumanism, science Merchants and the Future of Man
Ebénézer Njoh Mouelle - Preface by Monique Castillo, Translated by Denis-Ghislain Mbessa
The author proposes a synthesis of the ideas of « Transhumanism » and critical analyzes inspired by a refreshing Bergsonism. He writes to take a part in the debate on the futur of humanity, sparked by the scientific-philosophical movement that bears this name, started in the United States and which is beginning to move the European intelligentsia. He also writes to sensitize an african opinion far unaware of these preoccupations that concern all humankind.