ISBN : 9782140263705

EAN PDF : 9782140263712

EAN ePUB : 9782140263729

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Collection : Harmattan Cameroun

Nombre de pages : 150

Date : 5- 2022

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Understanding the "Ambazonia" nightmare - Politics and geopolitics of a national security dilemma

Politics and geopolitics of a national security dilemma

Max Zachée Saintclair Mbida Onambélé - Foreword by Pr Ernest Molua - Last word by Pr Kingsley L. Ngange

The "Ambazonian" Nightmare tells the story of how the now almost six years of instability started in the two English speaking regions of the Republic of Cameroon. The swiftly consolidating insecurity dilemma holds within two contradictory historical mistakes: the enforcement of the English speaking Cameroon's populations resentment of specificity and marginality and the paradoxical laxism of Cameroon's national security and defence system. Yet, the security system was not weak but negligent of the threat of an "Anglophone" revolutionary agenda and the challenge it was posing to the unity of the nation and the philosophy of national integration.

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