ISBN : 9782343179070
EAN PDF : 9782140124853
EAN ePUB : 9782336875613
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Collection : Anthropologie et musiques
Nombre de pages : 350
Date : 6- 2019
Voicing the Unheard - Music as windows for minorities
Music as windows for minorities
Luc Charles-Dominique, Yves Defrance, Monique Desroches
In this book, researchers give the floor to people of minorities in the world who, through their music, express their will to assert their identity. Musicians often champion a discourse that is both nostalgic and affirmative of a difference. How to promote these differences? We see it through the provocative broadcasting of erotic songs from Okinawa in a conservative Japan or through the success of a North Korean band immigrated with unheard of neo-political repertoire. Some 15 papers from recognized researchers coming from 14 different countries put forth situations observed and analyzed on about 20 meaningful cases and fieldworks in the world.