ISBN : 9782343053400
EAN PDF : 9782336367576
Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan
Nombre de pages : 240
Date : 1- 2015
What have we learned on growth cycles analysis ? Qu'a-t-on appris sur la croissance cyclique ?
Au sommaire de ce numéro : What have we learned on growth cycles analysis ? / Man and machine in macroeconomics / Cycles "versus" growth in Schumpeter - A graphical interpretation of some core theoretical remarks / Modeling the interaction of cycles and growth in the fifties : two Schumpeterian attempts / Kuznets versus Kondratieff. An essay in historical macroeconometrics / Circulation du capital et explication du changement économique chez Marschak, Frisch et Leontief / The law of diminishing elasticity of demand in Harrod's Trade Cycle (1936) / Growth as an objective of economic policy in the early 1960s : the role of aggregate demand / Stabilization policies and banking behaviors : a rereading of Minsky's conception of business cycles