ISBN : 9782343194189

EAN PDF : 9782140140228

EAN ePUB : 9782336890975

Éditeur : Editions L'Harmattan

Collection : Marché & organisations

Nombre de pages : 264

Date : 1- 2020

Notice : UNIMARC | MARC21

Rethinking luxury business

Despite being one of the most traditional industries, the luxury sector is highly dynamic and rapidly changing influenced by new ideas, aspects, fields, technologies and generations. One of such influences is the prevalence of digital technology and social media. It challenges a number of major premises of luxury brands, including exclusivity, status, authenticity and sensory experience. This special issue of Market and Organizations explores luxury consumption and production in a digital and experiential era. Authors take a multidisciplinary and holistic perspective to explore the role of digital customer experience in rethinking the luxury industry in the future. The objective is to advance knowledge on luxury in marketing and economy by bringing together international scholars (research in French and English) from different disciplines and practitioners working in the field of luxury.

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